Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Bianche DOP BIO Modena Food Boutique

Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Bianche DOP BIO

3 products


1999 Era Award (Special Mention)
1999 International organic cheese award: BIOCASEUS, Macomer (NU)
2003 Bronze Medal, 2nd Mountain Cheese Olympics, Less Russes Jura (France)
2004 Gold Medal, 3rd Mountain Cheese Olympics, Appenzell (Switzerland)
2005 2nd Prize, competition for the best organic cheeses, Bubbio (AT)
2006 Slow Food Presidium for the protection of the Modenese White Cow breed
2007 Gold Medal and Silver Medal, D.L.G. competition, Germany
2007 Silver Medal and Bronze Medal, 5th Olympiad of Mountain Cheeses, Obersdorf (Germany)
2009 3rd Prize in the Parmigiano Reggiano category and 5th Prize in the 'Extra hard' category at the
Mountain Cheese Olympics, Saignelégier (Switzerland)
2010 Gold Medal in the D.L.G. competition, Germany
2012 1st Prize Competition for the best organic cheeses: 'International Organic Cheese Award' BIOCASEUS
2012 2nd Classified Alma Caseus National Competition - CIBUS - Parma
2014 2nd Classified Alma Caseus National Competition - CIBUS - Parma
2016 1st Classified Alma Caseus National Competition - CIBUS - Parma
2016 1st Classified National Crudis Competition in Italy - Siena
2017 1st Prize competition for the best organic cheese: 'International Organic Cheese Award' BIOCASEUS
2021 1st Classified National Crudi Competition in Italy – Siena
2022 1st Classified National Crudi Competition in Italy – Siena
2022 2st Classified World Cheese Awards - UK

Il Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Biologico di Vacche Bianche è un prodotto unico, che deriva da una razza animali di origine autoctona della provincia di Modena. Si tratta di una razza protetta, che produce pochissimo latte ma di altissima qualità. A oggi sono rimasti non  più 1000 capi viventi. Privo di additivi chimici, esclusivo e pluripremiato, questo formaggio di eccellenza appartiene a una tradizione secolare, profondamente radicata nella cultura gastronomica di Modena  come simbolo di lusso e qualità.

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